Help Make Winter BIG FunWe have had a lot of Members begin to inquire about extending the season and having access to MillBrook during the winter months. We listened!
Introducing the Winter Weekends Initiative. Starting January 1st, 2016 Members will be able to make advanced reservations for the 2016 Winter Season in order to gauge the demand for year round use of MillBrook Resort. Provided the Resort has enough demand in the form of reservations for the extended season, we will once again remain open year round. |
Winter Weekend Reservations at MillBrookThe Winter Weekend Initiative at MillBrook is a campaign designed to measure the demand for extended season use. We at MillBrook would love to remain open year round. However, our priority is to serve the greater good and desire of the majority of Members here at MillBroook Resort. If the demand for extended seasonal use is in such a minority that it would negatively impact the majority of the Members by diverting operating funds for extended use; MillBrook will have no choice but to remain open seasonally.
How to Help Make Winter Weekends a RealityMake a Reservation for a Winter Weekend. Once we reach 75% occupancy for advanced reservations; Winter Weekends will go into effect. You can make a reservation for select Campsites, Rustic Cabins and Day Use of facilities. If Winter Weekends go into effect the Resort will also begin scheduling winter activities and events.
All Reservations Must Be Made By September 1st 2016. After this date MillBrook Resort will determine Winter Weekend demand and schedule extended season access if applicable. |